Description: This parcel layer contains the parcel's situs (physical) address maintained by the Planning Department. The parcel geometry provides a rough representation of tax parcels in relation to one another and to district boundaries. Parcels with multiple site addresses are represented by overlapping polygons.
Description: The extent of the entire layer delinieates the Nevada Joint High School District. The District is divided into the five Board of Trustee Areas. Most Trustee boundaries follow Road Centerlines.
Description: These areas are the parks that are in Nevada County.
Service Item Id: 27392adafa3a41bb998eb96cecbef85e
Copyright Text: Nevada County GIS, California Department of Fish and Game, California Department of Parks and Recreation, City of Grass Valley, City of Nevada City, Nevada Irrigation District, Truckee-Donner Recreation and Park District, United States Army Corps of Engineers
Description: These areas are not the parks or recreation areas themselves, rather, these are the Independent Special Districts that provides recreational programs and/or maintain parks.
Service Item Id: 27392adafa3a41bb998eb96cecbef85e
Copyright Text: LAFCO of Nevada County, Nevada County GIS
Description: Permanent Road Divisions (PRDs) are Dependent Districts that provide enhanced levels of Community services. PRDs might provide road maintenance, and other road related services.
Service Item Id: 27392adafa3a41bb998eb96cecbef85e
Copyright Text: LAFCO of Nevada County, Nevada County GIS
Description: The Nevada County Roads data layer is a compilation of roads from three major sources: GPS collection, TNF data, and digitized segments. The roads layer is actively maintained by the Nevada County GIS Division.
Service Item Id: 27392adafa3a41bb998eb96cecbef85e
Copyright Text: Nevada County GIS, Department of Public Works, Nevada County Circulation Element
Description: A Tax Rate Area (TRA) is a small geographical area within the county that contains properties that are all served by a unique combination of local governments—the county, a city, and the same set of special districts and school districts. A single county may have thousands of TRAs. While there is considerable variation in the steps county auditors use to allocate revenue within each TRA, typically the county auditor annually determines how much revenue was collected in each TRA and first allocates to each local government in the TRA the same amount of revenue it received in the prior year. Each local government then receives a share of any growth (or loss) in revenue that occurred within the TRA that year. Each TRA has a set of growth factors that specify the proportion of revenue growth that goes to each local government. These factors—developed by county auditors pursuant to AB 8—are largely based on the share of revenue each local government received from the TRA during the late 1970s.
Service Item Id: 27392adafa3a41bb998eb96cecbef85e
Copyright Text: LAFCO of Nevada County, Nevada County GIS, Legisaltive Analyst's Office of California
Description: Town Special Service Areas (TSSAs) are Dependent Districts that provide enhanced levels of Community services. TSSAs might provide road maintenance, and other road related services.
Service Item Id: 27392adafa3a41bb998eb96cecbef85e
Copyright Text: LAFCO of Nevada County, Nevada County GIS
Description: This zip code layer was constructed by Nevada County GIS from voter registration rolls and Assessor Mailing Addresses. It is the best available data, but boundaries are not precise. Zip Codes 95712 (Chicago Park) and 95924 (Cedar Ridge) are for the US Post Office and PO boxes only. In Truckee, there is a 96160 Zip Code that is for PO Boxes only. This zip code is not included in this layer because the Truckee Post Office itself is zip 96161.
Description: Zoning districts exist in order to classify, restrict and regulate the uses of land and structures and to regulate and restrict the height and bulk of structures and to regulate the area of yards, courts and other open spaces about structures. Search for "Zoning Regulations" on for the latest zoning regulation document for more details. See Metadata for Zoning Code References:
Nevada County Codes
Grass Valley Codes (page 1-8)
Nevada City Codes
Truckee Codes (page 18.06)